Wednesday, February 04, 2009

deCODEme - The Era of Genetic Medicine is Here

4 February 2009

This would have been unimaginable at any other time in history. In fact, it only became possible this year.

deCODE Genetics, the visionary Icelandic company headed by Kari Stefansson (a former MIT faculty member and a 2007 Time 100 nominee), is running a February special.

For $100, you can decode your genetic risk
factors for 6 cardiovascular diseases: How and where?

here - you can complete the ordering process in 5 minutes.

How does deCODE do it?

The Icelandic people have kept scrupulous family records for 1000 years. The company uses this data to link the presence or absence of genetically-linked disease with specific gene variants or mutations.

Is CardioScan all there is?

No - in fact you can do more or less a
comprehensive gene scan that will provide you with the following information: There is also a cancer scan here. It will tell you about your genetic risk factors for these conditions: I don't know about you, but I've already sent away for my $100 special CardioScan.

February is American Heart Month, so this scan is
available at this price until February 28.

Don't pass it up. You are now inhabiting the genomic century, and you might as well get used to it!

Enjoy your genome - it's the only one you'll ever have....